- Sprains and strains are some of the most common injuries in youth athletes.
- Sprains happen around a joint and include tendons, ligaments and connective tissue.
- Strains occur in either the body of the muscle or edges of the muscles.
- Proper care and treatment will allow full recovery and return to the teams in a timely fashion
Management of the injury using PRICE:
- Protection – protect from further injury using supports
- Rest – avoid activity for the first 48 hours after injury
- Ice – apply ice for 20 minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours after injury
- Compression – wrap with elastic bandage or compression sleeve for the first 72 hours after injury
- Elevation – rest with the injury elevated on a supported device like a pillow as much as possible

For Sprains:
- Do not immobilize the joint for longer than 48 hours
- Begin flexibility range of motion exercises as soon as they can be tolerated without excessive pain
For Strains:
- Immobilize the injured muscle for the first 48-72 hours after the injury
- Consider use of crutches or slings and splints for severe injuries
- Start active mobilization in 2-3 days if athlete has pain-free use of basic muscle movements
- Assess improvement by comparing stretching and strength to the same muscle on opposite side of body